Jan. 15, 2013
Today I am 190.2 pounds of rolling thunder.
We've reached the time of year when everyone is suffering through the
mid-winter doldrums. It starts long before winter actually begins as the days
grow shorter in December and the darkness cuts the day so short that people
drive to work and return home in the dark.
Over the years, I've noticed that it really kicks in right after the
holidays. The great anticipation of Christmas and New Year's with family
gatherings and gift-giving has passed giving way to credit card bills and cars
that won't start.
It's also the time when people return to the routine work drudgery and kids
go back to school and face tests, homework and peer pressure. In many
households it combines to form a witch's brew of discontent that results in
serious doldrums.

So I had to smile when a friend of mine sent me an invitation to like a Facebook
page titled "The
Good Things That Happened To Me Today."
Maybe I'm just getting to be more and more of a sucker for this kind of stuff.
The Runner's World quote of the day that shows up in my email each morning is
met with the anticipation of a Christmas present. And my daily inspirational
quote is in fact -- inspirational.
So why not join in and appreciate the little things in life that make
your day better? We've got enough stuff to turn the day the other way this time
of year.
Today a business acquaintance sent me a lead on some contract work -- that's
a good thing. Hey, I weighed myself with clothes on and then a few minutes with
clothes off and was lighter, so the day went from gloom to smiles in a matter
of minutes despite how small the difference really was.
So when you start feeling the doldrums taking over your life try to think of
something good -- large or small -- that happened recently and let your mind
savor the moment and be thankful for it.
If all else fails, remember that today is National Hat Day, so put on your favorite hat, and go out and run. And if you see the world's slowest human out on the streets, give me a wave -- it will help me out of my doldrums.
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