Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hey Old Man Winter, It's Spring!

March 19, 2013

Today I am 198.0 pounds of rolling thunder.

Winter had the last laugh today when I went out for my daily run.

The calendar knows that spring officially starts tomorrow, but that didn't stop Old Man Winter from keeping his icy grip on the landscape by providing a steady batch of light snow to accompany me on my familiar loop.

Although it was cold enough to snow there was little if any wind so it made for a great day to run. It's hard to believe just four days earlier I was running sans shirt and today, the day before the start of spring, I was out with four layers on top and two on the bottom.

Yesterday was not a great running day. Oh, the weather was fine, but I went out to run too soon after eating a really delicious but greasy chicken sandwich -- darn you, Chick-fil-A. So it was pretty much 50-50 walking and running.

Today was a different story. I ran better, and the snow made the miles seem to click by. I ran about 70 or 80 percent of the 5-mile loop, but there were still some walking moments. But that's OK. I am what I am as a distance runner.

I'm out there to get healthy and enjoy the moment. Sure, I'd love to get faster and have more stamina to climb the hills without walking. Hopefully, I can return to last summer's form when I could click off 6 miles without a walk.

For today, however, Old Man Winter and I did the dance of spring, and we were both better as a result.

The forecast is for more snow this weekend, so hopefully you'll see the world's slowest human beating the streets long before then. If you do, give me a wave and a smile.

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